214th GLASGOW,
Boys Brigade
A social
history of the BB in Glasgow
photos and memories preserved on
GlescaPals for future generations.
The 214th Glasgow Company, the Boys
Brigade was formed 11 Oct 1924
attached to Whiteinch UF Church
session 1929-1930 the company's church
changed to Whiteinch
Gordon Park Church
In session 1935-1936
the company's church changed to Gordon Park
In session 1991-1992
the company closed
Bugle band in
Kelvingrove Park
fine turn-out by a 214th Glasgow Boys
Brigade bugle band c1950.
Nov. 2016 Extract from email, John Stewart, Age
83, Glasgow, Scotland
I was a member of the 70th Glasgow Scouts
(McLeod Church, Townhead) they met in St. David's
School hall in St. James's Rd.
I then joined the 39th Company Boy's Brigade in the
Red Barony Church (now a University Building) and
became Sgt. Piper and Bugler.
BELOW was taken in DUNBAR in 1952 at a joint camp
with 39th BB and the 214th BB
Church Parade, Dunbar 1952
joint BB camp with 39th
BB and the 214th BB |
gratefully received towards the running
A lifetime honour
and timeless photographs on the web