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![](../Pals/PicsPals/SpringburnPark1946-7.jpg) |
Springburn Park cc1946/47
Taken at a Crowning of Temperance Queen and King in 1946/47 at the
bandstand in Springburn park. I'm the gorgeous young lady, centre stage,
helping the queen up from the kneeling position. The young man to my left
in the pix, in the BB uniform, was a buddy of mine, became a Glasgow
police officer and was murdered in early '60s in a shooting. Who said
"no guns in Glasgow". .....
(my ex-husband was from Bridgeton, does that let me in? He was
born Fairbairn St./Baltic St. area in 1936 - many family names)
Glesga Pal Greta, Margaret Davidson, Canada,
Dec.2003 |
..from 1914 was used as part of a calendar in 1985 by the People's
Palace. Elspeth King, then a curator at the museum, thought that
faces from the past would help us face the future.
These Bridgeton boys posed in their gladrags for the snap in a
backcourt behind an ice-cream shop in Colbert Street.( a wee street off
Franklin St.)
The 1914 date also begs the question; how many of these 'dapper dans'
survived the horrors of the First World War to make it home to Bridgeton?
Extract from E-mail April
Bob Currie, Strathaven. Scotland
"Mr & Mrs Samuel Alexander who lived at 16 Franklin Street, Bridgeton till around 1950.
Mr Alexander was a tram driver with Glasgow Corporation Transport."
cc 1900. Mr. & Mrs Samuel Alexander
![Glesga Folk](../Pals/PicsPals/BrosSisMcATH.jpg)
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