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60th Birthday surprise for 'Toner' McArthur, July 2003
Extract from E-mail, Ian McArthur
( no relation)
".webmaister a surprise limo for my Dad on his 60th birthday, photo
taken in Ruby St, Bridgeton"
7 Brigton Boys photograph taken cc 1932 at Glasgow Green
Back row middle playing a moothie is Jimmy Turnbull from 6 Savoy St.
who later married Mary Burns and lived at 81 Reid Street.
Turnbull Family photo taken circa 1917
Tommy, Agnes (Riddell) Turnbull, Agnes at back, Lizzie, Kate, Robbie,
Agnes (Gibson), Wullie
See the Turnbull family
website for more photographs
cc 1888. Mr. & Mrs Hugh Paterson
Extract from E-mail April
Bob Currie, Strathaven. Scotland (61-70)
"Mr & Mrs Paterson lived at 44 Clyde
( renamed Abercromby St ), 122 Main Street
and latterly 21 Rumford Street.
They were Irish immigrants from County Down and Mr Paterson, a handloom
weaver was proprietor of a Beaming Shop in Rumford St."
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