GlescaPal stories from our past
Single-end hooses
ootside toilets
My mother was
brought up in a single-end in Bridgeton with her two brothers, carrying on
the 'tradition' she married and we stayed in a single-end
house in the close at Baltic Street with my sister and
parents all of us
sharing the bed which was in the 'bed-recess' being the
oldest I got the 'feet' end.........webmaister
One GlescaPal has sent me the memory of a family of eleven who lived in
a single-end in Springfield Rd and when the faither returned home late at night, by which time all the beds
were down, his only means getting into his house was to climb through the windae!
News of the World 29/04/1934..'It
is not uncommon for eight, ten or twelve persons to be herded together
in a single room. There are in Glasgow 175,000 houses without baths and 105,000
houses with no inside sanitation.'
Daily Herald 16/08/1934
infantile death rate, which was mainly caused by tenement congestion was 112 per
thousand, compared with 67 per thousand in London and
The infantile death rate in tenement wards is four to six times greater
than in residential areas where there are few tenements.'
Extract from Guestbook, Feb. 2003, Betty Murphy
(nee Gray ), New Zealand,
I just have to tell you, my best
friend of yesteryear, lived in Holywell Street, her name was Betty Redmond,
she lived in the wee low closes, her family consisted of about 6 kids and
the parents. I used to go down to her house around 7 0'clock as we would be going to
the cafe, and all her brother and sisters
friends would be there to go out with them we all had to wait in the close
as there was no room for us to wait in house!
It was just a single-end, with gas light no electric at all, one day I went
down on a Saturday and everyone was out except ''mum'' and I got in , all
they had in the house was beds. They were a great family, really nice
people, I met betty just before coming here to New Zealand, and the irony of
the whole thing was her and her father had a big 4 bedroom place in
Greenfields just for the two of them..
Single-end houses no
inside toilet
Our outside toilet in the close was terrible,
I remember my Da taking me out
at night
holding a candle which was our only means of light,
and using newspaper torn into neat
squares as .....
well you know what for!
Extract from messageboard, Mar 2003, Anne
yer right oboot it being cald in the calton,but when ye hid yer ma/da an
brothers an 1 sister aw in a room/kitchen.my ma/da slept in the kitchen
me an my sister 2 brothers slept in the bed ben the room,ye cuddeled
yer sister fur heat,an yur brothers feet were up yer nose cos they
were at
the bottom oh the bed,there wis na privacy in they days.
The lavvie wis on the landing, but us weans hid a chanty-po under the bed
case we needed a pee during the night ,,,oh those were the days
Extract from messageboard, Aug.2004, Helen Cairney, London
We lived in a single end in Poplin Street there wiz Ma Mammy, Ma
Stepdad, Ma "Aunty" Sally, Me, Ma wee sister Jessie, and the baby
twins Charles and Betty. At night the hale room looked like wan big bed,
there wiz a recess bed wi a cot in front of it and a bed cabinet that wiz
pulled doon at night furr Ma "Aunty Sally" ma wee sister and me.
We goat bathed staunin in the sink, and sometimes a big tin bath wiz dragged
oot, and sometimes Ruby Street fur a bath in the huge big baths therr, a
loved that.
Last update
01 May, 2013