GlescaPals.....obituaries ...
Forget me not...
they are stars in the sky
. |
we will remember them
Remember me - by the laughter, not the tears,
remember me - for
the joy and fun we shared, through all the happy years
Please think of me, if you will, with a smile, when we all shared jokes
and laughed, at things we did a wee bit daft
If you smile - and if you laugh, sing songs, share fun and joy,
then I
will join you in the toast
And think if you want to think of me.
lift up your glass so I can share,
enjoy yourselves.....and I'll be there |
Oxfordshire, England died April 2011
V |
Gorbals born lass Joan moved
around Glasgow staying at Hallside Street, Gorbals, 40 Reid Street,
Bridgeton, 131 Myerside St., Carntyne, 100 Eglington Lane, Gorbals
and moved to to Oxford, England in 1974 joining GlescaPals in
August 2005. She loved her
GlescaPals and travelled hame tae attend the GlescaPals swally's in
2005 and 2006. Not a prolific poster but she loved reading the posts
and seeing all the wonderful photographs.
Webmaister |
Sad news about JoanB
I first met her at a swally night in Morrisons, we had been in touch
via a web cam after that, some email jokes, that kind of stuff.
JoanB didn't keep the best of health
Now she is at rest. It was nice knowing you joanB
My condolences to her family |
Glasgow |
was also shocked at Joanb passing I knew Joan very well and knew she
wasn't in great health but I never thought she would be gone so soon
may you rest in peace Joan and condolenses to Joseph and the family
my thought are with you all. |
Glasgow |
i'm still in shock canny believe it....i introduced
Joanb to GlescaPals many years ago!!!!! she came and visited me in
kirkintilloch and stayed for a week we had a great time even went
and visited annaB ...she was my rock at times when i needed someone
to listen i will miss her so much...but i know she is out of her
pain now and asleep with the angels ................Hey kid look
down and look after me ur we pal kirky xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |
was held on the 6th of May, at 1:30pm, at Oxford Crematorium
Our condolences to joanb's family

masterglasser |
Hugh 'shuggles' Mchendrie joined GlescaPals Feb. 2008
( 12.12.53 - 22.04.11 ) aged 57
old school pal died on Friday 22 April 2011 in his adopted home of
His Da managed to get in touch wi me thru GlescaPals website email.
Hughie fell off a ladder and was taken to hospital but complications set in
and he ended up in intensive care and never recovered.
Masterglasser or
Hugh 'shuggles' McHendrie as ah knew him at school was a great pal
o' mine at John St. School. He found GlescaPals 3 years ago
and whilst not a prolific poster he and I were delighted tae be in
touch again. He had a wee glazier business and was by all accounts
happy in America. He had a troubled past as a teenager and young man
and left these shores in 1981 (aged 27) to get away and start a new
I am sorry we never managed tae meet up wi each other, I had a lot
of time for Hughie.
Doesn't life seem short at times and when someone you know dies you
start thinking - if only.....
His opening post was "
Hi, my name is Shug i grew up in the calton/brigton, now living in
chicago since 81 i am glad i found this site"
London |
So sorry to hear about Masterglasser your pal Webmaister. Soo young,
you can hardly believe that someone would die from falling from a
height of only 4 foot. My condolences to all the family. Keep to
your heart your good memories of your boyhood pal. x
Glasgow |
Such sad news Webbie no child should ever go before their parent
what a shock for this poor man and his family and yourself R.I.P,
East Kilbride |
Webmaster,sorry to let you know Masterglassers Mum passed away 3
weeks ago.So shocked at his passing so soon after her. His Mum lived
un Mount Florida. She was my late sister-in-laws sister. What a
shock for all the family.r.i.p. Hughie.
Ayrshire |
Ah knew that young Hughie and his ma Rachel had died, his da Hughie
is mah b.i.l. Hennie's brother. A tragic time for the family, r.i.p.
masterglasser and yer mammy.

The family in Scotland held a
memorial service on Sat.11th June 2011 at the Masonic Hall, Stevenson St.
His Dad, Hughie organised a lovely service which was conducted by the
Rev.Peter Davidge with tributes from his three sons Jim, David & Raymond. It
was a lovely well organised afternoon which included the traditional 'steak
pie' and drinks for everyone.... a lovely send off and farewell to an old
Pal. |
condolences to the family

joined GlescaPals May
( 20 Jun 1945 - 24 Feb 2012 ) aged 66yrs |

Joanie at oor party in
Joanie was brought up in Parkheid,
Glesca one of 7 children (6 girls, 1 boy) living wi her Ma & Da in a
room and kitchen at No.1339 Duke St, four closes down from Parkhead
cross. She posted
“.. nine of us living in a room and kitchen in Parkhead, a bit
crowded as we were all starting to grow up so i moved in with ma
granny in Martin St (off French st) for a couple of years, it was
great except she had to meet every fella that brought me home from
Barraland. It got embarrassing…
she'd be waiting at the close for me no matter what time it was and
the first thing she always asked, is he a protestant or catholic. If
he was a good catholic boy he was asked in if no he was sent on his
way! ….”
She worked at Templeton’s carpet
factory in Bridgeton and although she loved her job she always
longed for something better and applied to emigrate to America,
Australia and Canada and waited tae see what came back first – it
was Australia. In March 1965, aged 19 yrs old Joanie left Scotland
to a new life in Australia, she always said it was the best move she
made. |
found GlescaPals and posted “..my daughter introduced me to the
comp last year and it has been my life. My grandsons come after
school and teach me something new each day, slowly I'm learning
things I never thought i would, my daughter always tells me "you can
teach an old dog new tricks" so there you go. God bless ye Wull &
Glescapals. Joanie 2005…”
GlescaPals became a big part o' her life and she was delighted in
January 2007 tae attend a GlescaPals swally in Morrison’s Lounge,
Glasgow wi her GlescaPal daughter ‘wee joanie’
She wrote “…the swally was terrific, awe the pals are just that,
PALS, a better group of people you couldnt meet, you would have
loved them all, between my daughter and me, we had a movie camera
and 2 digitals and ended up with not one photo of the swally, my
flash didnt work, wee Joans battery died on her and the movie camera
she had it set on the wrong setting.
To those of you I did meet it was a pleasure, Mags and Katslater
you are both great company, Maryjane, thanks a lot for makin me feel
so at ease,Norrie, Jeep, Jamesyboy and the Webmaister. Webmaister,
what can I say that has not been said already by everyone who has
met you all, and meetin HRH Anna B was jist great…."
Ah lovely wee wummin who I was delighted to meet in person along
with her daughter 'wee joanie' and husband 'nudge'.
Her favourite Country song was Prop me Up and the chorus goes
'Prop me up beside the jukebox if I die" Joanie I'm
sure your gieing it laldy .... a pleasure knowing you.
Webmaister |
Glasgow |
Joanie, you will be sadly missed and I hope you are now in a better
place free from pain.
God bless you & may you Rest in Peace.xx
My sincere condolences go to her daughter Joan, son-in-law Nigel
(Nudge) and grandsons Bradley & David. x
Nell, Admin
London |
My sincere condolences to her family. She will be missed on
RIP Joanie |
Australia |
I am so shocked to hear of our pal Joanies passing.I just can`t
believe it..We were in touch now and then,and she seemed so
philosophical,and hopefull..oh I am so sad,and send my sincere
condolences to wee joanie,and family..RIP.Joanie. |
am sorry to hear about Joannie, My condolence's to all the family
I met Joannie in Morrison pub, a few years ago, nice lady, she will
be missed by many
RIP Joannie |
Canada |
So sorry to hear about Joanie.
My condolences to Joanie's family |
England |
This has come as such a shock, I didn't know Joanie was ill. I send
my deepest sympathy to wee Joanie and all the family
R.I.P. Joanie Pal XXX |
Sorry to hear this news. My sincere condolences to Joanie's family. |
Glasgow |
condolencies to wee joanie and the family. |
Glasgow |
Such sad news to hear about Joannie. She was a right wee glesca
wummin who never lost her accent. My deepest
condolences to all the family. R.I.P. Glescapal Joanie. xx |
Australia |
I am so sad to hear of my wee pal Joanies passing,Corry and I
visited her in her home in Perth, she made us most welcome , we had
a few single malts together, Joanie palin we will miss you and our
chats in the chat room , I am going right to have a wee dram for you.
R.I.P. my dear freand |
Such sad news I had a good many chats and sing songs with Joanie ,I
will miss you pal .
My condolences and prayers to all the family ,thinking of wee Joanie
tonight .. |
Canada |
O My I am holding back a tear here at this sad news of our pal
It seems not that long ago I was talking to her and giving my
support for her treatment.
My condolences to weejoanie and her family. |
Our condolences to joanie's family

joined GlescaPals August
( 12 Nov 1948 - Aug 2012 ) aged 63yrs |
GlescaPal jimmyC
introduced himself tae us with this info...
Jimmy Cullen,
My parents Agnes (Toosh) nee Whitelaw, Dad John Cullen
My twin sister and me were born Rottenrow 12 Nov 1948
unfortunately she passed away 3 Jan 1949
We lived down the Gallowgate, Bluevale Street I went to Thomson
Street primary school.
Grandparents lived in Whitevale Street and we moved to Bar-L when it
was brand new Easterhouse was open fields.
Went to Pendeen Primary (Barlanark Primary?) lived in Burnett Road.
We moved to Australia when I was 11, still here, lived in every
state in Australia. I did 12 years in Royal Australian Navy.
Dad has returned to Glasgow to live, he is 84 and he is a survivor
of The Duchess of Atholl 10/10/1942 which was hit by 3 torpedoes
U-Boat 178. Dad was a member of the crew on The Duchess of
Atholl, 4 engineers were killed and 821 rescued. |
JimmyC last post on GlescaPals was on 27th July 2012
Havent posted for a while as chemo treatment scatters my thought I
just wish to make sence of things when i post
things will improve as I near the end of chemo treatment
Norrie sent me a PM which is kind and makes me glad my GlescaPals
are thinking of me
I am quite well and fighting on I have my daughters 40th birthday to
attend to today at Golburn 100k from here and my other Daughters
from Perth and Townsville are here so reunion time Kindest regards
Jim thanks for your thoghts and prayers my Pals |
I read of a man who
stood to speak
at the funeral of a friend.
He referred to the dates on his tombstone
from the beginning...to the end.
He noted that first came the date of his birth
and spoke of the following date with tears,
but he said what mattered most of all
was the dash between those years.
For that dash represents all the time
that he spent alive on earth...
and now only those who loved him
know what that little line is worth.
For it matters not, how much we own;
the cars....the house...the cash.
What matters is how we live and love
and how we spend our dash.
So think about this long and hard...
are there things you'd like to change?
For you never know how much time is left.
(You could be at "dash midrange.")
If we could just slow down enough
to consider what's true and real,
and always try to understand
the way other people feel.
And be less quick to anger,
and show appreciation more
and love the people in our lives
like we've never loved before.
If we treat each other with respect,
and more often wear a smile...
remembering that this special dash
might only last a little while.
So, when your eulogy's being read
with your life's actions to rehash...
would you be proud of the things they
say about how you spend your dash?