from Peter Simpson, Perth, West Australia ( Age 75 )
Hello I came from 313 Nuneaton Street,
Bridgeton at one time but now live in Perth, West Australia.
A friend of mine Kath Slater took me to meet up with the GlescaPals at the swally in the Scotia bar in July 2005 I met up with Norrie
and even got my fotie taken with him. I was back in 2006 but Kath said
the swally was in September to late for me.
Webmaister you have a great website and I enjoy getting involved I
was brought up in Nuneaton St went to Savoy St school then Pirn St
school this photo
was taken in 1940 or 41 some of the names I think I can remember not to
sure but if you would like to put it on your website then do so by all
means and I will send you a donation for the good work your doing thank
Anyway Webmaister thank you for your website and keep up the good