37 Dunn Street at junction of Bernard Street ...'Waverley Bar'
The opposite corner had a pub named the 'Cosy Corner'
Tenements long gone now and this is how the same junction looked in 2002
Looking along Bernard Street from Dunn Street junction
Dunn Street at Bernard Street looking north towards the junction of London
Road & Fielden Street.
The high rise flats in the background are in Millerston Street, Dennistoun.
Extract from e-mail, Sally
Wallace (nee Morrow ) Scotland March 2003
the webmaster what a brilliant site I have went through some of it and
I must say it gave me so much pleasure to go down memory lane.
Bridgeton is so like the family that everybody would like to have we
are one of a kind there are a few memories that I will add in the
future .......
I was born in 95 Bernard St as were my two brothers I am 54 Hugh is
one year older Kenny is three years younger, I went to
Queen Mary St
school then Dalmarnock and finaly
Bernard St we moved to Easterhouse when
I was 17 it broke my heart. I married Chic my husband at the tender age of
18 had my son at 19 he has now given us two lovely grandchildren.....I
would like to say once more what a great web site !! "