Streets of Bridgeton
Street page4 |

photos GlesgaPal Kath |
The Wembley Bar was owned by Benny McGowan standing on the left in the
photo, the old gent wearing the apron is Benny's father "pop", middle person is
unknown. The signwriting of this bar was done by local man Archie Savage. |
My Da, Jimmy McArthur and my uncle John Mullen drank is this pub. We lived at
202 Baltic Street then moved round the corner into Fairbairn Street, my uncle
John lived in 254 Dunn Street. |
Old street map
Baltic Street between Fairbairn St and Dunn St was :
Newsagent at Fairbairn St
Close no.202
Close no.204
Close no.206
Wembley Bar at Dunn St. corner |

The Wembley Bar was situated at the corner of Dunn Street
and Baltic Street.
My Da told me the story that you could stand across the way and look
into the Dunn St. corner window and see from the large bar mirror
who was inside drinking! He was caught a few times playing dominoes by
my Ma! He eventually asked Benny to get it moved or put up blinds!
Dunn Street painting by GlescaPal
Wm.Neilly (aka Glesca Artist) |
The Wembley Bar situated at the corner of Dunn Street and Baltic Street
in the east end of Glasgow was owned by Benny McGowan and Benny's father
"pop" cut a dash dressed in collar, tie, waistcoat and long white apron
as he tended his customers. A local man, Archie Savage, who also worked
in the public house as a Bartender, was responsible for the unique sign
My painting shows a wummin hingin' oot a windae above the Wembley Bar
and watching two boys playing fitba' in their Rangers and Celtic strips.
Two locals also watch from the Dunn Street entrance of the pub. Two wee
lassies are playing peever in Baltic Street ootside the pub entrance and
next tae close number 206. |
Sept.2008, Bobby Bryden, age 58,
USA, ex-Brigton boy
extract from messageboard....re
the Wembley Bar, Benny the publican was irish he was always
well dressed and Archie Savage the bartender worked there
forever. He used to give me a pass for two to the Kings picture
hoose if I was early I think it was on a Tuesday but if I was late
John Sheppard fae Fairbairn St would get the pass. I beat John more
and enjoyed the free passes. Archies son lived in the
buggy loan
his wife's name was Ella they were good friends of my Ma and Da
re -The
Buggy Loan
was located between Baltic St and Dunn St the close between Adams
fish shop and Biggars bakery. You would go through the close walk
thirty feet it was two stories high. Auld Hendry lived there I think
he was the manager of the Celtic reserve team, it was common to see
Celtic strips hanging out his window.....
Bobby Bryden |

Dunn Street and Baltic Street corner Apr.2007.
Same spot where the Wembley Bar once stood.
This photo was taken from Dunn Street looking north along Baltic Street.
Sad photo this for me .... again thinking back to this thriving wee
corner tenement buildings, playing in the closes and round the backs -
these days long gone |
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