they have pulled mah building doon !!
Fairbairn Street
ran west
to east from 231 Dalmarnock Road to 262 Baltic
Street it was formerly
called Harvie Street, named after contractor
Douglas Harvie.
Fairbairn Street tenements were demolished in the
early 1970's and
replaced with modern housing which opened c1978
and renamed, Fairbairn
Both sides of
Fairbairn Street had three-storey high tenements.
from Dalmarnock Road there was a pend at No.5 on
the north
side and Dalmarnock Congregational Church Hall at
No.18 on the south
side. Along from the church at No.11 was a
wee sweet shop called
Hobbs. At the Baltic Street end of the
street on the south side
the last close number was No.74, a corner close,
which had on either
side a newsagent and a dairy. Upstairs on the
first, second and third
landings were two houses per landing.
the 1960s the newsagent at No.76 was owned by the
Chalmers family and
the Dairy at No.72 was known as Rinn's dairy.
My family moved
from our
single-end around the corner at 202 Baltic
Street to two-up at close
No.74 Fairbairn Street and being a corner close
we had windows in both
Fairbairn Street and Baltic Street. The house
was a three apartment, a
bedroom for my sister and a bedroom for myself,
both of us at primary
school and the living room with bed recess for
my parents. The living
room had a coal fire as well as the bed recess
sleeping area for my
parents, also had a sink at the window where we
all washed, a small
laminate folding table where we ate and a small
scullery cupboard which
housed the cooker. The flat had a large lobby
which had an inside
toilet and a cupboard for storing the coal.
The 3 shops in the then named Harvie Street, PO
directories show owners as:
shop at No.76 owned by Wm.Friock, 1905-1910
shop at No.72 owned by Mrs.Fyfe ,
shop at No.11 owned by A.Gray, 1906-1910
Street tenements were demolished
in the early 1970s ,
new housing built and renamed Fairbairn Path
Fairbairn Path at the junction of
Baltic Street.
The first house on the left was where no.74
Fairbairn Street was ( the close between 2
shops )
This is where I lived. There is a plaque
on the wall of this house ( no
mention of me)
Extract from E-mail April
2002, Margaret McGuckion,
Minnesota, USA.
"Great web
site - brings back
memories. I left Fairbairn St. when
I was 4 yrs old (1952ish)... we lived
in the last close before Baltic St. across
from the two wee shops. My Dad worked
at the Leatherworks at that time.......I
have spent the last 3.5 HOURS checking
it this website and reading all the
entries and photos! Keep it
up...". |