Dec.2010, GlescaPal "glesca artist"
Hi Webmaister, this is an excellent black and white photograph of
Summerfield Street, Dalmarnock. The building located between the tenement
and the Mecca Bingo was Stevenson's Creamery and Dairy where milk and orange
juice were bottled prior to delivery throughout the west of Scotland. One
of my school pal, James Hamilton, and his family lived in the flat above the
Creamery and Dairy. James' Da was the manager at the time and I remember
being in the Creamery and Dairy watching the empty milk and orange juice
bottles being mechanically washed, filled and capped with the silver foil.
Bottles were then conveyed to crates before being loaded onto lorries for
delivery to shops throughout the west of Scotland.
The Mecca Bingo was of course the former Strathclyde Picture House (The
Strathies). Opposite these buildings was the Hair Factory belonging to
Andrew D. McNair and the allotment gardens. Both the Hair Factory and the
allotment gardens extended back into Allan Street which runs parallel to
Summerfield Street. (See photograph taken from 17
Woddrop Street). Regards, glesca artist |