
Unlocking The Secrets Of
As Above, So Below
As Above, So
Below” is an original painting by the author William M. Neilly, aka
‘glesca artist’. It was rendered using acrylic inks and acrylic paints
on canvas board measuring 508 mm x 406 mm (20” x 16”) in August
2014. The painting represents the Hermetic maxim: “As above, so
it is below".
This principle denotes that everything on earth is a microcosm of the
universe; that mankind is both God and the universe in miniature and,
above all, that there is a path by which man can access his Deity.
“As Above, So Below” primarily reflects the entire teaching of Blue
Lodge Freemasonry but it also encompasses elements of: Astrology;
Numerology; Sacred Geometry; Gematria; Tarot; Kabbalah; Tetragrammaton;
Biblical and Masonic Testament events.
The author, who is a Mark Master Mason, unlocks the secrets of “As
Above, So Below” by providing readers with his interpretation of the
symbolism used in his painting.
Purchase his book at AMAZON.CO.UK
now! - RRP £9.99
ISBN – 9781798562048
Format: Colour interior on White paper; 94 pages; 5” x 8” (12.7 x
20.32 cm)
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my painting
As Above So Below painting was signed and dated by me in August 2014.
My painting was inspired by the artwork on the Masonic apron given by:
General George Washington to General William S. Schuler, a member of his staff, c1770
Between the expansive and containing columns, symbolized by the Sun and
Moon, which embrace all the paired opposites of the universe, the
central balancing column of human consciousness is depicted as a temple
of several storeys within which the individual has access to the
Deity. As Above So Below
summarizes the entire teaching of Freemasonry which conceives the
complete human being as having a body, a psyche (soul), a spirit and a
contact with his divine source.
About the Author
(glesca artist: b.3/12/47 - d.25/2/21)

Murray Neilly, aka 'glesca artist', was born and bred in the East End
of Glasgow. He graduated BSc Civil Engineering from the
of Strathclyde and worked for over three decades as a Chartered Civil
Engineer in contracting and local government. After retiring he
overcame his partial colour blindness and learned to paint portraits,
animals and landscapes. This self-taught artist's cityscapes of
Glasgow in the 1950s and 60s are admired by collectors in the United
Kingdom, Denmark, Greece, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Canada
and the United States of
April 2019
Author's other books
Neilly... 'glesca artist'
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