520 Gallowgate Family Life in Glasgow's
East End 1843 – 1975
520 Gallowgate is a family biography.
It is based on factual events and reminiscences of various family
members who lived in and around the Gallowgate, in the Calton and
Camlachie Districts of Glasgow's East End, for more than a century and
a quarter from 1843 to 1975.
Times were hard. Squalid living conditions in Glasgow tenement
houses that lacked the most basic of necessities and the constant
threat of compulsory eviction for non-payment of rent meant the family
having to move house constantly in search of work. Poor living
conditions and lack of job opportunities meant children dying in
infancy from poverty related diseases and the family becoming destitute
and inmates of Barnhill Poorhouse.
Some family members emigrated to the USA to start a new life whilst
others retrained to better their employment prospects and to educate
their children.
Family members fought in two World Wars and despite their hard
upbringing several became self-employed for most of their working life.