Streets of Bridgeton
Landressy Street
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Landressy Street should
really be Landres Street, after a small village in France, from where
one of the Turkey-Red operatives originated. This unknown person built
the first house in this street.
Bridgeton Public Library taken around 1907
Photograph of the Library taken in 1991
Norrie McNamee
The library moved to the renovated Olympia building at Bridgeton Cross
and the old library buiding became the Glasgow Womans Library
11th. May 2002
Landressy Street looking towards London Road, the Public Library is the building on the right.
photo courtesy of © Gordon
The Masonic Hall and to the right Greenhead Barrowfield Church hall which were in this street have gone.
The single level church hall was taken over by the "Apprentice Boys of
This later closed and was bought by the owner of the Keystane pub, who moved from his premises in James Street
The Keystane pub in Landressy St can be seen below.
Keystane Bar
More photos from the Keystane
from e-mail, Jan.2003, Sam Murphy
"Hello, although born and lived in the Gorbals (Lawmoor Street) I
attended John Street Secondary 53/56. Your web site is really good and
much appreciated, wonderful pictures. I was also married in the Masonic
Hall in Landressy Street, started my apprenticeship with the East
Kilbride dairy farmers on Silvergrove street. ( guess they are now long
gone also) I notice a little blue car in many pictures? I assume that this
is our webmaster at work as he takes pictures? Thank you for the
from e-mail, Jun.2012, Brian Piggot, Canada.
I am Brian Piggot originally of Landressy St now just outside Toronto Canada
. I have received much pleasure looking at your great site over the years
and thank you for your commitment to preserving not just Glasgow history but
its peoples history .
My late father Thomas Piggot was born on Kerr St in July 1934 and raised at
549 London Rd attending John St Secondary. Dad was a member of the
155 BB out of Bridgeton Methodist next to my
old home at 30 Landressy Street.
The Landressy Street pic would be about 1970
All the best,